Monday, August 29, 2016

First broken bone

Maxwell is in 6th grade this year and it is his final opportunity for flag football through our park and rec department.   He loves it!   Tuesday evening was his first practice...
I dropped him off at practice as normal.   About 30 minutes into practice, I got a call from him coach that he took a hard fall and was still saying his arm hurt a lot.  I grabbed an ice pack and headed to practice.  We sat until the end of practice so I could be there for a parents meeting.  He said the ice helped a lot.  

We came home and after a brief look and discussion with Matt, we assumed it was a sprain but wanted to bring him to urgent care just to be sure.  

After a short exam and 2 xrays, we were surprised to learn that he actually broke it!  He has a buckle fracture in his forearm from the fall and landed on his arm and/or wrist.   The urgent care doctor said they heal really well and surgery should not be needed.  He put him in a splint and told us we would hear tomorrow from either our primary care or an orthopedic doctor. 

Oh and no sports, PE or recess while in the splint!    :(

Friday we had our appointment with the orthopedic specialist.   Confirmed the broken bone.   Confirmed no sports.  Flag football was over for the season.  :(   No's a longer season and I asked about later practices and he did not seemed thrilled at all at the idea.    But that will be a discussion once the cast comes off.   The cast will be on for about 3 weeks.  At that point, if everything is healing well he will get it off but go back into a splint to complete the recovery process.  

Maxwell is really bummed about the while situation.  We have started going on daily walks to get some exercise since he is so limited right now.   We are hoping with the cast he is able to do a few more things at recess since the arm is more protected than in the splint.   It's going to be a long 2 months for him....