Thursday, May 29, 2014


Grandpa Mac built Kaylee the MOST AMAZING doll house ever.  It is a replica of our house in Ankeny.  We had no idea we would be moving when he started it and now its a perfect memory of our time in Ankeny.  He even painted the interior similar to our house - - the kids' bedrooms are blue and yellow just like the house.

When they came down for Mother's Day weekend he brought the second half and finished shingling the roof.  Kaylee has enjoyed playing with her polly pockets inside of there.  Now that school is coming to an end, we will work on getting it all arranged for many hours of fun.

Thanks Jim!  We all love it!

Mother's Day/Lazerfest

Wow!  Where has the month gone?!   It's may and so its always extra busy and special with Mother's Day and my birthday.  So there was lots of celebrating to be done! 

Mother's Day/Lazerfest - Matt's parents graciously came to stay with us for a long weekend over Mother's Day.  I decided a few months ago that this first Mother's Day without my Mom would need to be one that I celebrated differently than in previous years.  Matt & I ended up going to Lazerfest in Des Moines!  We've never gone and it figures that the first Lazerfest we are no longer local is the year with our favorite live band performing, Queens of the Stone Age.  After deciding it was OK to be a wife on Mother's Day and let my Mother-in-law soak up the day with the grandkids, we asked if they could watch them so we could get away.  The day started off with lots of rain (the drive was not fun for Matt) but by the time we got to the outdoor stage it sprinkled twice and the sun eventually came out. 

We Came As Romans was probably the highlight of the outdoor shows that we saw.  Powerman 5000 got the crowed going and they were entertaining but I don't plan to run out and buy their album anytime soon.

We Came As Romans

 We then went inside and found some amazing seats very close to the stage on the left side.  We decided to enjoy QOTSA from the seats and not the floor.  Matt wasn't in the mood to mosh that day.  Which was fine with me!  We were entertained by the couple next to us that broke all perceptions and loved Theory of a Deadman.  The lady was hilarious and by all accounts looked very quiet and timid.  Proof that outside appearances do not tell the whole story.  I had convinced Matt to go inside for Adelita's Way as he was not too familiar with them.  Later he told me it was a good call to watch them as he liked them.  It's not often that I "introduce" my husband to any music he enjoys.

Queens of the Stone Age was the highlight for us.  Definitely not a crowd favorite though.  At one point Josh Homme (the lead singer) even made a comment to the crowd about their lack of enthusiasm and having to just wait for the Offspring.  They were amazing and I think that Matt & I were the only 2 people standing in our section during their set.  

Queens of the Stone Age

 The Offspring were the headliners of the show.  They were entertaining and I really enjoy their music.  Matt wasn't impressed...This was the third time and he definitely felt that the other times were much better performances.  None the less, they were good and we got to spend the day together doing one our favorite things, listening to live music.  I had never been to an all day music festival before and I really liked it.  Definitely something I would do again.  

The Offspring

Our obligatory concert picture together

Thanks to Jim & LaWanna for watching the kids for us.  They had a great time and always enjoy spending time with you guys. 

Monday, May 5, 2014


This weather this weekend was raining, sunny and always windy!
One kite survived the move and the kids have gotten more use out of it the past week than the whole time we lived in Ankeny.  

Oh it doesn't bother maxwell one bit that it's a princess kite!  :)

Friday, May 2, 2014

It's been a long 8 months...

Eight months ago, at about the time that I am writing this, I started to say my final goodbyes to my Mom.  She had been in the hospital for weeks and we went to visit her the first weekend she was at Abbott.  Thinking that it would be like all those other for a week or so, have a few extra dialysis cycles, get cleaned out and then sent home.  But this one wasn't the same.  A late Thursday afternoon phone call forever changed my life.  The phone call that I had dreaded for years and years whenever my Mom was in the hospital but the phone call that I never thought would actually come.  We didn't do what-ifs.  We couldn't do what-ifs.  Dad called to tell me that Mom wasn't going home this time. 

We spent 2 days at the hospital; spending as much time as possible with her.  Most of it runs together now.  The kids were troopers.  It was heartbreaking to see them look at my Mom, their Grandma, and know that she was going to die soon.  She looked just a little different (much more tired and all those tubes, wires. I know it scared them a little), didn't have her normal energy and slept a lot, but at the same time it was still Grandma Kathy.  Her face full of love every time she looked at them.  Just like always.

I felt a kind of peace with her that I have never felt before.  Holding her hand, watching her sleep, talking for just a few minutes when she would wake up.  I couldn't cry, I wasn't sad, I was at peace because she was at peace.  I sometimes felt like I was draining all her strength from her because I needed it and that is the final gift I got from my Mom.  Her love and strength.  I long for that peace, I haven't felt it since.  I hope to feel it again someday.   

Finally, on Labor Day, it was time.  After fighting it in my head and heart, I knew we had to go home.  It was time to go back to Ankeny.  I couldn't leave my kids.  I couldn't leave my Mom.  I had to leave my Mom and be a Mom to my own kids.  So off to the hospital we went.  So many people came to spend the day with my Mom.  So much love filled her room that day. 

Telling my Mom I loved her, she was the best Mom ever, giving her that last hug & kiss was hard.  For a few minutes, I thought that it was the hardest thing I had ever done.  But I quickly realized that walking down the hallway even harder.  I had walked that hallway so many other times.  But that was the final time.  Once I left that hospital, I wasn't going to see my Mom in this lifetime again.  It was gut wrenching, nauseating, heartbreaking, and the single hardest thing I've done.  It took all of my power to take those steps.  My husband and kids helping me every step of the way. 

I shouldn't have been surprised when my Dad called that night to tell me that Mom had passed.  She saw everyone that she needed to see that day.  She said all of her goodbyes.  She was at peace. 

Its been eight long months.  Some days I am strong.  Some days I am weak.  Some days I am numb.  Some days I am happy.  Some days I am sad.  But everyday no matter what I am I miss her and I love her.