Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mother's Day/Lazerfest

Wow!  Where has the month gone?!   It's may and so its always extra busy and special with Mother's Day and my birthday.  So there was lots of celebrating to be done! 

Mother's Day/Lazerfest - Matt's parents graciously came to stay with us for a long weekend over Mother's Day.  I decided a few months ago that this first Mother's Day without my Mom would need to be one that I celebrated differently than in previous years.  Matt & I ended up going to Lazerfest in Des Moines!  We've never gone and it figures that the first Lazerfest we are no longer local is the year with our favorite live band performing, Queens of the Stone Age.  After deciding it was OK to be a wife on Mother's Day and let my Mother-in-law soak up the day with the grandkids, we asked if they could watch them so we could get away.  The day started off with lots of rain (the drive was not fun for Matt) but by the time we got to the outdoor stage it sprinkled twice and the sun eventually came out. 

We Came As Romans was probably the highlight of the outdoor shows that we saw.  Powerman 5000 got the crowed going and they were entertaining but I don't plan to run out and buy their album anytime soon.

We Came As Romans

 We then went inside and found some amazing seats very close to the stage on the left side.  We decided to enjoy QOTSA from the seats and not the floor.  Matt wasn't in the mood to mosh that day.  Which was fine with me!  We were entertained by the couple next to us that broke all perceptions and loved Theory of a Deadman.  The lady was hilarious and by all accounts looked very quiet and timid.  Proof that outside appearances do not tell the whole story.  I had convinced Matt to go inside for Adelita's Way as he was not too familiar with them.  Later he told me it was a good call to watch them as he liked them.  It's not often that I "introduce" my husband to any music he enjoys.

Queens of the Stone Age was the highlight for us.  Definitely not a crowd favorite though.  At one point Josh Homme (the lead singer) even made a comment to the crowd about their lack of enthusiasm and having to just wait for the Offspring.  They were amazing and I think that Matt & I were the only 2 people standing in our section during their set.  

Queens of the Stone Age

 The Offspring were the headliners of the show.  They were entertaining and I really enjoy their music.  Matt wasn't impressed...This was the third time and he definitely felt that the other times were much better performances.  None the less, they were good and we got to spend the day together doing one our favorite things, listening to live music.  I had never been to an all day music festival before and I really liked it.  Definitely something I would do again.  

The Offspring

Our obligatory concert picture together

Thanks to Jim & LaWanna for watching the kids for us.  They had a great time and always enjoy spending time with you guys. 

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