Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Piano recital

The kids started piano this year.  They both really like it and most of the time they do not even complain about having to practice at home.  
Grandpa Mac & Gramma Lanna were able to come down to watch their first recital.  It meant so much to all of us to have them here for such a fun and special occasion.  Both kids did so well!  We could not be more proud of them!  We love that they are taking an interest in music...something that is very important in our household.  

Kaylee's performance with her teacher accompanying her.

Maxwell's performance.



We were able to attend the NDSU Bison football team versus UNI at the UNI Dome here in Cedar Falls.   Unfortunately, it was the only loss NDSU has had in 4 years!  But that did not deter us from having a great time.  I had pneumonia at the time, so just making it to the field and up to our seats was a small miracle.
Hopefully next time we are able to watch NDSU play football the outcome will be different!

December 2014 pre-holiday fun!

We got a new, small, tree this year.  The kids helped Matt decorate.  Turned out really good!

                     FAMILY PICTURES!

        John Deere Tractor & Engine Museum

September - November 2014 in pictures - part 2

 More Sports!

Maxwell got to play flag football at the UNI dome! 

 Matt & I had a weekend getaway to the Twin Cities.  We were able to see The Afghan Whigs in concert.  A bucket list band for Matt!
The opening act was a musician who painted while he performed.  He was really talented!

Greg Dulli walking in the crowd

 HAWKEYE Football Game!

Happy Birthday Matt!

Thanksgiving!  For the first time since Matt & I started dating we stayed home and did not travel to MN & WI for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  I did my own baking....

 Pumpkin & Apple Pies were a hit!

September - November 2014 in pictures, part 1

Sponge Concert

Lunch with Judi - we try to meet monthly
 Field Trip with Kaylee's Class


Meet & Greet with The Used and Taking Back Sunday
& Concert to follow