Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Seriously behind!

WOW!  I knew I was behind on my posts...but its been MONTHS and MONTHS!

Time got lost in school and developing a new routine.  Just when that seemed to be under control, I got pneumonia and I feel like I haven't been the same since.  :(

Just this past weekend, I found out that I was having a delayed allergic reaction to an antibiotic I was on for a sinus infection.  Waking up with 2 swollen eyes, puffy face and itchy body is NOT FUN!  I am thankful it didn't affect my breathing and so we were able to treat at home with Benadryl.  But it sure did open my eyes to how quickly an allergic reaction can happen.  Scary stuff.   I have pictures but no one wants to see those.  I promise!

I need to catch up but cannot possible post about everything that's happened over the last 4 months.  So it will be a lot of pictures and a few words and my new years resolution is to keep this more up to date. 

Happy New Year!  (20 days late)

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