Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Holiday Fun

Every year since Matt & I started dating, we have celebrated the holidays in the same fashion.  We start in MN and celebrate Christmas Eve with my family.  Christmas Eve is a big party with as much family as possible.  This year John & Kim hosted the fun!  Christmas Day morning the kids open a Santa gift (that Santa is a busy guy in our family and makes multiple stops) and we open gifts with Mom & Dad/Grandpa & Grandma...well now Grandpa gifts.  After that we quickly eat breakfast and pack up the car and head to Wisconsin.  In Wisconsin we celebrate with Matt's side of the family and Santa also makes a quick stop to fill stockings before we all arrive.   It's a lot of fun and we love seeing all of our family but we are always exhausted and anxious to come home.  Once we get home, Santa has also made a stop here and there are more gifts to open.

 Celebrating their gift to the Wisconsin Dells in February

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