Monday, July 28, 2014


We finally have a yard!!!! 
After months of dirt and rock - we have sod.  The weather cooperated greatly when it was installed and we have only had 2 days of really hot temps.  Unfortunately for our water bill, we have also only had one day of rain.  It is looking great though....the kids (especially Maxwell) are anxious to be able to run around and play in it.

The kids spent a lot of time watching them work out of the bedroom windows.

Helping water the tree!

Waterloo Bucks

Maxwell's baseball team was introduced at a recent Waterloo Bucks game.  Maxwell had a great time getting his name announced to the crowd and being able to go onto the field.  He watched most of the game with his teammates, while Kaylee, Matt & I watched a few rows away in the bleachers.  It was a beauitiful night for a baseball game.  Bonus was that they had fireworks at the end of the game. 
We will definitely be taking in more Waterloo Bucks games!

Maxwell is number 14

Camping with Matt's parents

Earlier in July we went camping with Matt's parents.  It was a great weekend!!  We always have so much fun camping with them.

On Friday, the boys went to the John Deere Classic.  Matt & Maxwell were excited to have Matt's dad join them.  It was the first time at a PGA event for both Jim & Maxwell.  Matt went last year with some friends for work.  Thanks to his great employer, John Deere, they were able to go into the JD tent and enjoy food and beverages while they were out there.  While the boys were at the JD Classic, Kaylee, LaWanna and I had our own fun.  After lounging in the morning, we went out to lunch for pizza.  Kaylee was very excited that the waitress made her pepperoni's into a smiley face. 

We then did some shopping on Main Street in Cedar Falls.  A lot of fun shops to explore.  LaWanna decided that they need to come back while the kids are in school so her & I can go into them all without an impatient 7 year old!  :)   After shopping on main street, we went to the mall in Waterloo.  Kaylee was such a trooper.  After trying on way more outfits than Kaylee would like to remember her and Gramma found a couple adorable ones they had to have.  

After a quick stop to grab a few items for Maxwell, we headed back to the campground and Kaylee wanted to go swimming.  It was chilly but she did convince me to get in with her a for a little bit.  Mostly, she just played by herself.  She has a such a wonderful imagination.  LaWanna and I laughed and laughed at some of the things she would come up with.  We had so much fun just sitting and watching her in the water. 

The kids always stay in the camper and Matt & I sleep in our tent when we go camping with Jim & LaWanna.  On Friday night, that was the same.  Until the rain came!  And kept coming!  At first, we thought the occasional drip of water was just condensation build up.  But it came more and more often and then Matt was getting a cold misty shower.  :-( 
We tried to tough it out but after a good 2 hours of not getting any sleep and water collecting in the corner, we threw in the towel!  Matt went out in the pouring rain to drive the Honda next to the tent while I quickly packed up our stuff.  He threw everything in the car and then we went into the camper.  It was about 5am when we finally went inside.  He climbed in bed with the kids and I "slept" on a chair. 
We can laugh now about it - but neither of us was laughing in the early hours of the morning!

On Saturday, Maxwell had his baseball tournament.  The weather was crazy.  Hot, humid and then cold and windy.  We made it back to the camper within minutes of a downpour!  We watched the storm come in during Maxwell's game. 
Maxwell's team played 2 games - they won one and lost one.  They played great!  Lots of hits and it was so fun to watch the boys have fun.  It was a long season with a lot more losses than this was a great way to end the season!! 

Saturday night Matt & I did not brave our tent.  We took over the bed and the kids got the floor! 

Sunday it was time to say good-bye. We had a great time, as always, and were sad to say goodbye to Jim & LaWanna and our fun camping weekend!! 
Some family pictures - we always need to do some silly in between the "serious" ones.  :-)

Fourth of July

We celebrated the Fourth of July with our great friends, the Auderer's, at their house in Ankeny.  Michelle and I took all of the kids to the pool while Matt and Travis went to check out a new brewery that opened in Ankeny.  It was a win for everyone.  The kids had so much fun playing together again at the pool.  Michelle and I enjoyed being able to catch up while the kids swam.  I even ran into Kaylee's kindergarten teacher at the pool! 

We originally planned to go the fireworks but the kids were having so much fun and we didn't feel like driving (since Ankeny doesn't do fireworks on the 4th), we ended up staying at their house and the kids played outside.  We were able to see some fireworks from various people setting them off.

We stayed overnight and headed home the next morning after breakfast.  It was a great way to celebrate and spend some time with wonderful friends!!