Saturday, July 5, 2014

California Family Vacation: USS Iowa Battleship

After we left Joe & Michelle's it was off to our last stop on our amazing vacation.  We headed off to Long Island to do some sightseeing, spend a few hours on the beach and then check into our hotel. 

Matt's late uncle Eddie served on the USS Iowa battleship and they have recently docked it at Long Island and turned it into a museum.  We decided that this would be a perfect place to visit before we spent the afternoon on the beach.  Little did we know that as Iowa residents we were able to tour the battleship for free. An extra perk for a fun lesson in history for the kids and a way for Matt to connect a little with a piece of his uncle's past. 

President F.D. Roosevelt stayed on the battleship during World War 2

We believe that Matt's uncle is in this picture.

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