Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back to School

Hard to believe that school arrives so early here!  The kids went back on August 14th!  (Yes, I am a bit behind on my blog updates)

Maxwell is now in 4th grade and Kaylee in 2nd.  This was the first year that I did not bring them to school and get pictures at lockers and in classrooms.  I think that both kids are thankful for that but I will admit this momma is a bit disappointed!!  They didn't even want me to walk them to the bus stop.  :(
I pulled the Mom card and overruled that but I did not stick around and wait for the bus to come.

I am so excited for them to spend a full year at Southdale Elementary to truly get involved in our new community and school.  I hope its just as successful as our years at Ashland Ridge in Ankeny!

 I did get a couple of pictures at meet the teacher night at school.  They don't look to excited but I know that both were happy to get the "desk" pictures when it wasn't very busy.

Snuggles before leaving for school

Kaylee LOVES her new shoes!

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