Thursday, February 27, 2014

A hint of normalcy

Today, I had a hint of normalcy.  After getting the kids off to school, I ran some errands, worked out at Kosama, came home for a quick lunch (and had an over due phone date with Jamee).   After that I went to Jiva, the new aveda spa and salon I am going to try out, for some maintenance work and then directly to the kids school.  Maxwell was giving a presentation on Joe Montana.  

It felt like a regular day in my life while living in Ankeny.  In other words, it felt normal and like home and I enjoyed every minute of it!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Busy weekend

Matt's parents came up this past weekend to visit.  We had so much fun with them and got a lot of work done around the house.  Jim, Matt & I went to Lowe's while LaWanna stayed home with the kids.  After a marathon shopping trip, the guys were ready to work on the house.  They hung blinds on all the windows, put vertical blinds on the sliding door, mounted our TV to the wall above the fireplace and got the water softener in the basement ready to be installed.  LaWanna cleaned and organized the kids' bedrooms.  It was so amazing to have all of this help getting our new house more liveable.  We even found time to celebrate the kids' birthdays, go out to dinner at a new local restaurant, watch a movie and play games.  

Thanks Jim & LaWanna for all of your help!  We appreciate it so much. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

More snow?!

We are in a blizzard warning for Thursday into Friday morning.   Just in case we are home bound for a day or two, I took full advantage of the beautiful day.  

First I went for my 3rd workout at kosama Cedar Falls.  Feels great to work out again but it's just not the same as in Ankeny.  Shortly after, I got my sweat on at hot yoga.  It was hot hot hot today and I loved it!   Here I am before class showing off my new fitbit flex!  

Every Wednesday is early release at the kids' school.  Since I am too paranoid about the construction debris hidden under the snow and won't let the kids play in our yard, we went for a walk.  It was a beautiful afternoon to be outside.  We even discovered where one of Maxwell's new friends lives!  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

First Blog!

I have been meaning to do this for a long time.  Thanks to some persuasion by my wonderful friend Hollie, I am taking the plunge to start blogging.  I guess the real motivation was moving and trying to find a way to keep friends and family updated on all of our new adventures and we learn about Cedar Falls!

We've been in our house for about a week and living amongst a lot of boxes.  Thankfully Matt realized that I was getting overwhelmed and he made huge progress this past weekend.  What would I do without him?!

Many more pictures are to come but here is a picture of the outside of the house from our marathon house hunting day after decided that this was the one.

And here is the first major purchase for the new house - a big new tv for the basement.  Not sure who is happier about this, Matt or the kids!