Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Busy weekend

Matt's parents came up this past weekend to visit.  We had so much fun with them and got a lot of work done around the house.  Jim, Matt & I went to Lowe's while LaWanna stayed home with the kids.  After a marathon shopping trip, the guys were ready to work on the house.  They hung blinds on all the windows, put vertical blinds on the sliding door, mounted our TV to the wall above the fireplace and got the water softener in the basement ready to be installed.  LaWanna cleaned and organized the kids' bedrooms.  It was so amazing to have all of this help getting our new house more liveable.  We even found time to celebrate the kids' birthdays, go out to dinner at a new local restaurant, watch a movie and play games.  

Thanks Jim & LaWanna for all of your help!  We appreciate it so much. 

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