Wednesday, February 19, 2014

More snow?!

We are in a blizzard warning for Thursday into Friday morning.   Just in case we are home bound for a day or two, I took full advantage of the beautiful day.  

First I went for my 3rd workout at kosama Cedar Falls.  Feels great to work out again but it's just not the same as in Ankeny.  Shortly after, I got my sweat on at hot yoga.  It was hot hot hot today and I loved it!   Here I am before class showing off my new fitbit flex!  

Every Wednesday is early release at the kids' school.  Since I am too paranoid about the construction debris hidden under the snow and won't let the kids play in our yard, we went for a walk.  It was a beautiful afternoon to be outside.  We even discovered where one of Maxwell's new friends lives!  

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