Tuesday, February 18, 2014

First Blog!

I have been meaning to do this for a long time.  Thanks to some persuasion by my wonderful friend Hollie, I am taking the plunge to start blogging.  I guess the real motivation was moving and trying to find a way to keep friends and family updated on all of our new adventures and we learn about Cedar Falls!

We've been in our house for about a week and living amongst a lot of boxes.  Thankfully Matt realized that I was getting overwhelmed and he made huge progress this past weekend.  What would I do without him?!

Many more pictures are to come but here is a picture of the outside of the house from our marathon house hunting day after decided that this was the one.

And here is the first major purchase for the new house - a big new tv for the basement.  Not sure who is happier about this, Matt or the kids!  

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