Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back to School

Hard to believe that school arrives so early here!  The kids went back on August 14th!  (Yes, I am a bit behind on my blog updates)

Maxwell is now in 4th grade and Kaylee in 2nd.  This was the first year that I did not bring them to school and get pictures at lockers and in classrooms.  I think that both kids are thankful for that but I will admit this momma is a bit disappointed!!  They didn't even want me to walk them to the bus stop.  :(
I pulled the Mom card and overruled that but I did not stick around and wait for the bus to come.

I am so excited for them to spend a full year at Southdale Elementary to truly get involved in our new community and school.  I hope its just as successful as our years at Ashland Ridge in Ankeny!

 I did get a couple of pictures at meet the teacher night at school.  They don't look to excited but I know that both were happy to get the "desk" pictures when it wasn't very busy.

Snuggles before leaving for school

Kaylee LOVES her new shoes!

Cousin fun in Osage

Matt's parents camped in Osage for a few weeks this summer.  Osage is only an hour drive for us so when I found out that Nicole and the boys would be there, I figured we had to make the trip.  The cousins had a lot of fun playing together.  I enjoyed spending some time with my sister-in-law, nephews and of course Jim & LaWanna!

 My adorable nephew Kendric

Playing monopoly in the camper.

End of Summer trip to the Zoo

Before the kids went back to school, we decided to take a last minute trip to Des Moines and go to the Blank Park Zoo.  Both kids have asked to go all summer and this was an activity we did all the time when we lived in Ankeny.  It was a long drive but worth it.  We all had so much fun!!  

(The pictures start with the end of our zoo fun and work their way to the start...)

Showing off the necklace she bought at Disneyland this summer!

Look who we ran into!!

Old friends!  Maxwell is so thrilled with all the girls.  lol!

 Trying to avoid getting their pictures taken while playing!