Monday, August 18, 2014

Swim Lessons

My kids LOVE the water but the art of swimming has never come easy to them.  They will play, swim, jump, splash in water that they can touch in but get a little too late and things change.  Obviously as they care getting older this is getting easier but they are also starting to recognize that their friends (and lots of random other kids at the pool) are way better than them at swimming.

They took swim lessons during the last session of the summer.  I purposely did this so that they could "practice" during the summer and all our trips to the pool.  Due to an crazy weather summer and our vacation, we did not get as much practicing in as we had hoped.  So we started lessons and I was concerned, mostly for Maxwell, that they would not pass their levels. 

Kaylee quickly improved and was one of the top swimmers in her level.  She has some good technique and once she can really get her feet and arms going at the same time, she'll take off!
Maxwell had a harder time catching on.  He has been plagued by his inability to back float and therefore any stroke on his back is nearly impossible for him.  One afternoon at the pool, it clicked!!!  He was able to back float and from that moment on his confidence grew and it was like he was a totally difference swimmer!

I am happy to report that both kids passed their lessons!  The last day of lessons was fun day.  Maxwell conquered his fear and jumped off the platform dive board and Kaylee went down the slide in the deep water.  It was so fun to watch them --- I was one proud momma that day!

That's Kaylee coming out of the tube slide!

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