Friday, April 11, 2014

Baseball season has begun

One of the first tasks when we moved to Cedar Falls was to find spring baseball for Maxwell.  It's surprisingly difficult to find out information when you don't have anyone to ask or have not been around to "hear" what's going on in town.  After some digging we hope we found the right fit for him.  Some leagues seemed way too competitive and others seemed to laid back. 
Right now he has practice two times per week from 5-6:30pm.  Seriously, could they pick a worse time for practice.  My family is not a fan of eating supper at 6:45-7pm during the week.  But there is no way we can eat at 4:15pm before practice.  Especially since the kids don't get home from school until 4pm.  We will make it work though! 
The joys of baseball season is that we get to experience all weather!  The first practices were freezing and right now they are about perfect.  Pretty soon it will be HOT!

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