Monday, April 14, 2014

Goodbye Saturn Hello Honda!

It was a huge day at the McSweeney's on Saturday. 

We traded in our beloved 2001 Saturn for a brand new 2014 Honda CRV.  The Saturn was the first car that Matt bought when we were newly married.  We bought it late 2001/early 2002 and had it for a little over 12 years.  It was one of the best cars and virtually no hassle and very little in repairs.

Here is our new SUV!  This has been a long time coming for our house.  We saved up a big down payment and as much as it pains me to have a car payment for the first time in many years (sorry Dave Ramsey!), we know that we will get it paid off in no time.  Matt had been set for many years on a black car but we ended up getting Kona Coffee Metallic.  It looks black in some lighting and brown in others.  Maxwell went with Matt while he purchased the car while Kaylee & I were in Ankeny for a birthday party.

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