Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Beautiful weather weekend

I'm a little behind and now that we are bundled back up in winter coats - the beautiful weather we experienced this past weekend seems like a distant memory.   We took full advantage of the nice weather and got outside as much as possible Saturday and Sunday.

Before we soaked in all the warm weather, we did a few other fun activities.  First, we signed the kids up for a Growing Up Giving United Way event.  It focused on ways to give our time, talents and treasures to others.  It was a good program but definitely aimed at younger kids.  I think that the kids did gain some good information and it is always important to talk about charity work and how we can give to others.  The kids made some gifts that they will be giving to others soon too!

After the United Way program, we went to the Muppet 2 movie.  It was cute but the opening song about how sequels are never as good was true.  :)   We all enjoyed it and never turn down an opportunity for movie theater popcorn.  The kids even tried the Cherry Pepsi and liked -- definitely a taste acquired from their dad!  

Finally, we were home and able to play outside.  The kids got out the scooters and were so excited to go up and down the sidewalks and around the neighborhood.  Matt grilled brats and hot dogs and we soaked up all the warm weather.

Sunday we got back outside and this time we walked over the park (the kids rode their scooters).  We played at the park for about an hour and Matt & Maxwell played a little catch.  Maxwell starts baseball practice this week, so we needed to get out that glove and warm up him arm.  

The park is about a 5 minute walk from our house and on our way home, we walked a different route to check out the unfinished part of our street.  It's going to be a long time before they finish the road!  :(   But we did find out, thanks to some friendly people outside, that there is an entrance to the bike trails down the street from our house.  We have heard great things about the bike trails in Cedar Falls and we are anxious to try them out.  Once we got home from the park, the kids got out their bikes and rode around for a long time.  Kaylee even remembered how to ride without her training wheels!!  She is ready for a new bike and helmet soon.  Girl is growing like a weed!

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