Thursday, April 24, 2014

Chevelle Concert

Saturday night while we were at my Dad's, Matt & I went to see Chevelle at the Myth Nightclub in Maplewood.  Chevelle was on Matt's bucket list and the timing worked out that we would be in MN that weekend.  The kids always love getting a little alone time (spoiling) from Grandpa and it was our first date since we moved from Cedar Falls.

Middle Class Rut opened for them and they were very good.  I may even have to buy one of their albums.  Chevelle played an amazing show.  They did not disappoint!  Unfortunately the Myth was so full that at times both Matt & I felt claustrophobic.  We were not feeling like being up close and ended up on some stairs - which was horrible.  We then moved to the back by the bar and although I couldn't see much thanks to the ridiculously tall drunk guys in front of me...I could hear them finish the show with a couple of favorites.

Our traditional concert picture!  

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