Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Baseball season is in full force for Maxwell.  His teams stinks...and he knows it.  They have not won a game yet.  Some have been competitive and others not so much.  They have a tourney at the end of the season and he asked me one day, "will our team still get to be in the tournament if we don't win a game??"  I felt bad and said yes you will get to play at least one game in the tournament.  To be fair, I have no idea how the tournament is set up but felt that this was the fastest response.

Maxwell has primarily played left field and second base this season.  He has made a couple of great catches in the field.  He was hit by a pitch early in the season and was a little cautious of the ball afterwards but that seems to be getting better also.  The last game he even pitched an inning.  This was a brand new experience for him.  He walked a few people and got one strike out!  If he wants to keep pitching, we have lots of practicing in front of us!  But we were proud that he went out there and tried a new position.

Kaylee gets bored REALLY quickly at his games.  At some point in every game, she uses my phone to take random pictures and videos.  I haven't watched all the videos yet but she has one crazy imagination!! 

A variety of game picutres and candids by Kaylee:

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