Wednesday, June 4, 2014

End of School

It's official my kiddos survived the move and transfer to a new school!  They are now 2nd and 4th graders!

  As the last week of school approached, Kaylee cried over missing her new friends.  Then she cried over missing her Ankeny friends!  Poor girl!  She made up little cards for her new friends that included our address, email and phone numbers.  I sure do hope that someone contacts her for a playdate.  Otherwise she is going to be one sad little girl. 

Maxwell has discovered that a few different friends from his class live in our neighborhood.  I am still trying to figure out all of the dynamics of their living arrangements.  Whether they live with Mom & Dad, Mom, Dad, go between both and when exactly they would be available to get together and play.  It may take us all summer but we will figure it out!

Maxwell's teacher had his whole class sign their names on the beach ball.  Very fun idea!
Kaylee planted a tree seed and is anxiously watching it grow and hoping we can plant it soon.  :)

A few pictures from the last day of school!

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