Friday, June 27, 2014

Califonia Family Vacation: Disneyland, day 1, part 1

The first day of Disneyland arrived and after a quick breakfast at McDonald's we were off.  The weather was beautiful and we were all very excited!!  As soon as we got in the gate, there was a band performing so we stopped for a few pictures and to listen to them play. 

Our first stop was Star Tours - the star wars ride that everyone had on their to-do list.  Maxwell was SOOOOOOO excited, he was almost bouncing off the ceilings.  Kaylee was overwhelmed, excited and nervous and by the time we stood in line and got to the entry doors for the ride, she had had enough....So her and I got out of line and explored the gift shop instead.  I'll admit I was disappointed and worried that my 2 days at Disney were going to consist of a lot of gift shops. 

Kaylee calmed down while we waited for them to end the ride and from that point forward, she was now ready to enjoy our trip at Disney.

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