Monday, June 30, 2014

Califonia Family Vacation: Disneyland, Jedi Training Academy

As soon as we determined we were taking the kids to Disneyland we knew we wanted to try and get the kids picked for the Jedi Training Academy.  Our household is big into Star Wars!  We prepared the kids about no guarantees, being happy if one gets picked, we will have fun watching if no one gets picked, etc. etc.  
We arrived at the location about 30 minutes before the show was to start and got front row ground seats behind the blue tape line.  A good sign since we didn't plan to be there at that time but it just worked out after getting out of a different ride that morning.  A second sign, that I did not plan on when helping Maxwell pick out his t-shirt for the day, is that he was wearing one of his many Star Wars t-shirts. 
Our advice to the kids when the people came out was to jump, wave your arms and try to get their attention.  Apparently they both did well because they were both chosen.  Maxwell was picked first as part of a group of "bouncing boys in the front" and Kaylee was picked as part of three girls a short time later.  Matt and I very relieved that both kids were picked because as much as we talked about not being jealous - there is no way the other one would not throw a fit!! 

Notice my lovely monster high sunglasses - left my regular sunglasses at home, so Kaylee would occasionally let me borrow hers. 

1 comment:

  1. Savannah is SO jealous! She just finished watching all of the movies and is now wondering when she can go and do this ;)
