Sunday, June 8, 2014


My beloved Grandma, my Mom's Mom, (GG as she been known to our family for the past 20 years) passed away on Friday June 6th.  We will be heading to Hutchinson this week for her funeral.  Such a mixture of feelings as I was by the phone waiting for updates all week from my Dad and aunt Barb.  Sometimes wishing it was nightmare and I would wake up and GG wouldn't be in the final stages of her life.  Sometimes wishing she would just pass and be with her family that passed before her...her husband and four children.  Happiness that we spent sometime with her at Easter.  Sadness that I wasn't able to see her one last time.  Shock from how quickly this happened.  Relief that she would be in a place where her mind and body would be free from all of the pain and confusion. 

                                                                     We love you GG! 

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