Monday, July 4, 2016

A lot going on...

I've been meaning to update this for months.  Months.   Now, here I am trying to decide where to start because so much has happened.  We've had some amazing family vacations, some super fun and silly moments, some horrible moments and I haven't reflected on any of them and shared them with friends and family.  OK, I have shared but not on this blog.  The purpose of this was to not only share with friends and family but also to help me reflect and remember on our family moments.

Eventually I will go back and highlight some of the highs and lows over the last year but for now, I will start with a major life change for our family...

On May 28, 2016 my Dad got married, remarried, married again...what is the proper way to say it for a marriage after the death of a spouse?!   Who knows?!   Regardless, he married Sherry Bethke in front of friends and family on a very special Saturday this past May. 
I didn't take a lot of pictures and am hoping that our family picture for the photographer turned out because we have been wanting to update a "formal" family picture for a few years.   Here are some of the favorites (sorry in advance for some blurry phone pics)....  

Kaylee was pretty excited about her job as the guest book attendant!

Always fun to listen to my Dad play!!

And sing...

Matt was there...apparently the only family picture we got was for the photographer.  Oops!

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