Monday, July 4, 2016

Boston - The Freedom Trail

In May, I was able to join Matt for a couple of days in Boston.  (He is currently a student at MIT getting a masters certificate but that's for another post)   We had an amazing time and I cannot wait to go back with the kids.   So much amazing history and we definitely did not get to see it all.   We spent one day walking the Freedom Trail with one of his co-workers and his wife.  It was amazing.   Here are some of the highlights.  We took so many pictures and it was hard to narrow it down.   I kept thinking how much Maxwell would have enjoyed walking the Freedoom Trail as they were just finished a unit on the American Revolution in school.

Tombstone in honor of those killed in the Boston Massacre

                         I had to stand proud as a Democrat!   :)

Site of the Boston Massacre

Paul Revere with the North Church in the background

Ending at Bunker Hill

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