Sunday, July 10, 2016

Florida Vacation - Day 2


Before we even left the hotel in the morning the day started pretty awesome.  Matt was the guest of the day!   He was way less excited than the kids and I!  ;) 

We decided before leaving that we were going to spend 2 days at Magic Kingdom and skip Animal Planet.   The first day we planned to arrive at Magic Kingdom earlier in the day and not stay for any of the night shows/fireworks.   This ended up working out perfectly because it rained that day.   A LOT!  We had ponchos but ponchos is 90+ temps and crazy humid was not fun.  We were still there for many hours and had a ton of fun!   We also did a lot of laughing at the "Happiest Place on Earth" bringing out the not so happiest parents on Earth.  Yikes!  There was a lot of crabby parents and kids.  

We started the day at Space Mountain.  Now if you remember our first day at Hollywood Studios you may know that starting the day with a roller coaster for Kaylee is a bit risky, but again she did awesome.  Lots of butterflies in her tummy as we waited.  She couldn't sit next to anyone as it was they were single seat cars and again we were the FIRST car.  We were cursed (or blessed depending upon your perspective) at being in the front for almost all of the roller coaster style rides.

We did not buy any of the ride pictures but tried to take as many of our family as possible. 

Immediately after Space Mountain our next fast pass was for The Tomorrowland Speedway.  We did this ride in California but the kids were too short to do the driving.  They were both super excited to be able to drive while Mom & Dad were the passengers.

They often caught up to slow driver Kaylee!

Driving is tough Mom!
I don't think that I have laughed as hard as I did while Kaylee was driving.  She was horrible!   But we had so much fun ... and yes that is my head hanging out of the car.  :)

 Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin.
Matt & I always enjoyed the few rides that we could actually sit together.
I might be a LITTLE competitive!  ;)

 The cloudy sunny sky caused a lot of squinting!

Are we done yet?

 We spent a LOT of time trying to get the "perfect" pictures and found one really patient stranger to help out....

There are a couple of keepers BUT
Maybe a family selfie will be better?!?! castle and only Kaylee's head
No Mom

The keeper??  We tried.

The parade...we got great seats for the afternoon parade and I brought lots of snacks to enjoy while we waited.  We did get to see a few marching bands as we waited.  And then the rain started...time to get on the hot ponchos.   Lots of delays and suddenly our great seats were not so great as the water started to pool up right where we were sitting.   The rain did not look like it was going to end and the parade was still delayed and we were positive they would cancel it.   So we decided to find an indoor activity and went to a show of the Presidents.  It was good and we were able to take off the ponchos and dry our feet a little bit.   Unfortunately once we got out, we realized that the parade wasn't cancelled but it was delayed so long to change the a rainy day theme.   We were still able to catch the last 5 minutes or so.  Kaylee was bummed but we promised her that we would be back another day and that we would watch the afternoon parade - rain or shine!

All of the castles were so amazing!

 We decided to take the ferry across the lagoon back to the transportation center.   It was a fun way to end our rainy day at Magic Kingdom!

Since we got back earlier than anticipated we went back to the delicious BBQ restaurant for supper.  We also made a quick stop at WalMart for snacks for the rest of the week.  We decided to grab microwave popcorn and lemonade for movie night in the room!

  It was a great way to relax after the chaos, I mean FUN, of Magic Kingdom.

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