Monday, July 4, 2016

Boston - the rest of the trip

Matt has been attending MIT for almost a year and will earn a Master's Certificate in Systems Design Management.  I am so proud of him for the hard work and dedication to keep furthering his education!  This one has been especially difficult being remote and having classmates all over the world and going to Boston throughout the year AND he took on a new position/promotion at work in the middle of his school.   In May, the entire class met for a week to work on group projects and presentations.   At the end they had a celebration on the sailing pavilion where MIT students can use sail boats.   In addition to the Freedom Trail tour, we ate some amazing seafood and other delicious food, went to a Boston Red Sox game at Fenway, toured the Sam Adams brewery, spent some time at Harvard and looked around a little bit at the MIT campus.  There is never enough time and again, I am looking forward to a return trip to Boston.

This enclosed public restroom was on the corner of a busy intersection by Harvard and we saw it just as we came up from riding the T.   It was a like a little gift placed there for me...who desperately needed to use the bathroom and had zero issues taking advantage.  It was surprisingly clean albeit a little weird to listen to all that traffic.  ;)

Enjoying a short visit to Harvard!

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