Sunday, July 31, 2016

Florida Family Vacation - Day 7 and departure

Hotel Day

For our final full day in Florda we decided to skip our second day to Universal Studios and stayed at our hotel to swim in the pools.   Our hotel shared an outdoor area with a couple of other hotels, which allowed for a lot more space and activities.   We were able to use 3 different pools, a splash pad, and there was a mini-golf course that was closed for renovations.  :(  They also a pool bar and grills that patrons could cook there own food on.  After 5 days at amusement parks and a marathon day at Kennedy Space Center and the ocean, we decided to stay at the hotel and swim all day long.  We went to WalMart and grabbed some food for the day and made our way outside.  It was so crazy hot and humid that day; being at an amusement park would have been miserable.  We also had to wake up at 4AM the next morning for our early flight home...relaxing and enjoying fun family time at a much slower pace was exactly what we all needed.

A quick lunch break in the hotel room to cool off!
Lunchables for the kids.

Enjoying some time together while the kids swam

Matt enjoyed being able to grill us hot dogs for supper!

View from our hotel room

After a fabulous and long vacation to Florida we were all ready to get home.  Even though the alarm went off at 4AM, no one complained (maybe it was the krispy kreme donuts we had picked up the day before for breakfast) and we were off to the airport.


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