Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fun Lunch Date

On Tuesday, Judi & I met in Marshalltown and had a super fun lunch date.  We spent almost 2 hours at Taco John's (our favorite lunch guilty pleasure!) eating and cathing up.  No we didn't eat for 2 hours straight!  ;)

We did forget to do a selfie - so no pictures this time.  But we are going to try and have a monthly lunch dates in Marshalltown.  Next time, I think we are going to branch out to a sit down restaurant.  Feeling blessed that even though we moved, we are still close enough that I can see my one my best Ankeny friends on a regular basis.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Pancake Success

Kaylee received a kids cookbook at Christmas and promptly marked a bunch of recipes she wanted to make.

Unfortunately this book was packed and we just found it this past weekend.  I told her she could pick one recipe for a meal this week and she picked silver dollar pancakes. 
Pancakes are a huge hit at my house and I was crossing my fingers her quick & easy are yummy!  Both kids helped mix the pancake batter and Kaylee helped me pour a few on the griddle....

 Looking good...

Final verdict...KIDS LOVED THEM!  I also made sausage patties and we each had a banana and everyone's plates were cleared tonight.  These pancakes will definitely be replacing the box mix we've been using. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Marvelous Monday Note

I received this from Kaylee after school today. Filled my heart!  Matt says that I need to keep it, so when we hit the "I hate you" days I can show her she used to like me.  :)

Dear Mom,
Thank you for the wonderful new school. And for letting me go back to Ankeny in spring break. 
I always miss you at school.  But I know I will see you after school.  <3


We are slowly getting our house organized and feeling more like a home.  Matt spent the majority of the weekend organizing our back storage room.  I cannot believe the amount of "stuff" we have accumulated over the years.  After much decision and a few tears, it is my goal for the remainder of the year to purge and downsize.  This task is completely overwhelming to me but I know that if I take it a little at a time it can be done!

One of the first steps of our purging and downsizing is to go through our toys and games.  We spoke to the kids and talked about the importance of donating our "stuff" to families that are less fortunate so as more kids can enjoy them.  After much discussion with Kaylee, she has decided she wants to donate her play kitchen and all of the items that go along with it.  I am so proud of her and cannot wait to give one of our favorite playsets to another family to enjoy.

The second step is to organize all of our games and puzzles.  We had partially finished space under our stairs and decided that this is a perfect place for storage.  Matt put up shelves and as well lights and rolled out some extra carpet.  Kaylee helped me unpack a few more boxes and put all of the games/puzzles on the shelves.  I think that "Harry Potter's room" looks great!

One thing that won't be downsized is our (mostly Matt's) collection of CD's.  Those are alphabetically organized along the back wall - with room to grow!!  :)

Spring Break - Fun in Cedar Falls, part two

After our whirlwind trip to Ankeny, I wanted to spend a little more learning about fun things to do locally. Judi told me about a science center type place that her girls like to visit when they come to stay with her sister.  After a lunch date with Matt, we were off to check it out.

Little did I realize that the Grout Museum district and the 4 museums included are not physically located together.  Had I looked a little closer this would have been very obvious but in the end it turned out wonderful.  Our first stop, unintentionally, was the Iowa Veterans Museum.  I wasn't sure how much the kids would enjoy this but in the end we all learned a lot and had a wonderful time.  Maxwell took part of a 4H exhibit and made himself a fruit kabab.

The kids loved all of the hands on exhibits as we learned about Iowa's role in US wars.  Maxwell was particularly interested in a display that summarized World War II.  He is taking after both Matt & I and our interest in that particular war.

After we finished the war museum, we made our way over the Imaginarium (i.e. science center) - our original destination.  We ALL had a great time checking out the exhibits.  It was fun to see the kids being so hands on and engaged.  We loved the science center in Des Moines and while this was a lot smaller, it is all new to us.  I asked the kids a few times if they wanted a membership and they both said yes repeatedly.   An added bonus is that they were offering a spring break special so I took advantage and bought a family membership.  I can't wait to check out all the special events, camps, and this is just another step to us becoming integrated into our new community.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring Break, Ankeny trip part two

On Wednesday of Spring Break, the kids & I headed to Ankeny for a fun, busy trip to see as many friends as possible!

Our first stop was at the Hoffman house.  Kaylee & Savannah have been friends since they were toddlers.  Tiffany was one of my first friends in Ankeny thanks to the Mom's Group that I joined - our mutual love for the Foo Fighters and Dave Grohl is a bond that will keep us going no matter the distance.  This year the girls were lucky enough to be in 1st grade together.  It was so nice to see them and listen to the girls play together like no time had passed.

After we left the Hoffman's, we checked into our hotel and promptly called the Auderer's to come and swim with us.  I realized later that evening that I did not take one picture of their visit!   :(
 The kids swam and sat in the hot tub and about 1.5 hours later they were all laying on the ground next to the hot tub.  I think that they were exhausted.  So we got dressed and headed over to their house for some pizza and a little more play time.  The Auderer's are such great family friends to us and it has been hard on all of us that we no longer live in Ankeny.  We look forward to many visits in the future!

Thursday morning we got up and our busy day started.  First stop friends' houses! I dropped Kaylee off at Abby's house.  The girls have been writing back and forth since the day we moved.  Abby gave Kaylee an adorable going away present with some cards and they have been used to the fullest!   I then dropped Maxwell off at Kyle's house.  Maxwell & Kyle have been friends for years and were in 3rd grade together in Ankeny.  It has been tough of both boys to not see each other everyday!  While the kids were playing, I decided to get a work-out in at kosama and see all of my friends there.  Unfortunately there not as many friends as I had hoped because of spring break.  But it was great to be back, even for a short time, and get a great kickboxing workout in (I'm pretty proud that I burnt over 700 calories in one class).  I have missed it there!!

After visiting with the Abby & Kyle's moms and picking up the kids, we went straight over to Hollie's house for lunch a few hours of playing and catching up.  I love how well our kids get along and play so well together even though there are many years separating them.  Every time Hollie & I get to hang out and talk there is so much fun & laughter.  She is a such a source of strength to me!  We had a house full of kids and I think that calls for a girls day where we can focus on our friendship.  She is watching her niece for a few hours so we had an extra child in the mix - I can see the happiness it brings Hollie to watch her.  It was a fun, laughter filled afternoon.  Exactly what I needed!  I think that my favorite part of the visit was watching Maxwell play with Cooper.  He is so protective and patient with him.  It fills my heart!

Our last stop of the day was to Dean Park with the Schafer's!  Our kids have been friends since they were preschoolers and toddlers.  One of our first memory's together was when Maxwell & Noah were in preschool (very early in the school year) and Maxwell threw up in the car before class.  I stopped Jen in the parking lot and asked her to watch my kids quick so I could run in and tell the teachers.  We've been friends ever since and so have our kids.  Allison & Matt even share a birthday.  It has been so fun watching them all grow up together and all of the stories we have shared over the years!   It was a beautiful but windy day to be at the park.  The kids ran and played for a couple of hours - which is exactly what was needed we all needed before heading back to Cedar Falls.  My kids are always so excited when we get to visit the Schafer family.

I wish we could have seen more of our friends.  There will be more visits and more chances to see our old friends.  I found myself getting very emotional writing this post...I could have gone on forever writing about how much our two visits to Ankeny and the friends we saw during this time meant to me.  Ankeny was my first "home" in many years and while I am trying to embrace Cedar Falls nothing can compare.

Kaylee said it just right when we were driving through town during our visit.  "Ankeny is the best town we could ever live in.  I hope Daddy's next job is here again."  Me too Kaylee, me too! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring Break - Fun in Cedar Falls, part one

We are still trying to learn the layout of the Cedar Valley.  My goal for some of spring break is to find fun things to do locally.  The other half is visiting our friends in Ankeny.

On Tuesday, the kids had dentist appointments and then I told them that we would go to a movie in the afternoon.  I found out the local theater has $5 movies all day and the kids have been begging to see the Mr. Peabody and Sherman movie.  So, after the dentist I let them choose where we went to lunch.  It was a unanimous vote for Taco Johns!  (I didn't even have to encourage them and I LOVE taco johns, so it was a definite win win!)

After a few errands it was off to the movie.  Thankfully we didn't go straight from the Taco John's to the movie theater otherwise I may have not gotten this picture of my son...

The movie was good but not a run out and "go see it right now!" kind of movie.  It was a fun afternoon and we all enjoyed the fun day together.  

Spring Break - Ankeny trip, part one

We started spring break early last week.  The kids were off Thursday for parent/teacher conferences and then Friday for a teacher workshop day.  This week is the real spring break!  That is 7 school days off for the kids.  They are loving it!!!

On Friday night, we made a trip back to Ankeny to visit friends.  Matt was heading back for a poker night and the kids & I tagged along.  We decided to invite some friends to the hotel to swim for a couple of hours.  Judi and her girls came over and Maxwell had his friend Ben join us.  It was so fun!!!  Best part is that Judi and I were able to sit on lounge chairs and talk the whole time.  We did not enter the pool once.  :)

Saturday morning, the kids and I went back for more swimming.  They talked me into joining them this time.  But I didn't get too wet.  

After we checked out, we went for lunch and then off to our friends' house the Auderer's.  Matt and the kids stayed there while I had my first Norwex party.  Then I went over and we hung out for a few hours, ate dinner, and then came home.  

We had a great time and it was so great to see friends during our visit!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

More birthday celebrations, working on the drive-way, and catching up...

My Dad visited a couple of weekends ago.  We were able to celebrate both kids' birthdays with him.  He did such a great job picking out gifts for the kids - they could barely wait for Matt to get home from work to open them. 

Matt & Dad spent most of the weekend installing our new water softener.  We are so thankful to have his help with this project - as it was a wet and messy project.  But they got it installed and my dishes are thankful. 

We have had a drive-way of ice and snow since the day we moved in. (This was the day we bought the house and many inches of snow have fallen since it was taken.)

It has been a nightmare and with a little warm weather, some ice melt, and LOTS of manual labor we were able to clear the drive-way this weekend.  Maxwell helped for hours and even twice in the same day.  He kept telling us that he could feel his muscles getting bigger.  That kid makes me laugh! 

Almost there...The ice by the 3rd stall is a couple of inches thick.  We are waiting for mother nature to take care of that area since we don't use it much right now. 

It was so nice this past weekend that my husband even broke out the charcoal grill to make our family favorite grilled chicken!  Yum! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I've been using and loving these products for I finally took the plunge and became a consultant.   Technically, I started in February but this is my first chance to actually write about it.  February was an offer I couldn't resist.  No start up costs - I only had to pay shipping and handling! 

My wonderful leader, Jen, did a facebook launch party for my new business.  It was such a huge success.  I have to say that I have the best and most supportive friends in the whole world!  I cannot believe all of the orders and the free product that I earned.  I was even able to book a party for March with a friend in Ankeny.  I've got all sorts of new products to try and even more to show off at parties, give away for prizes and inventory to sell.  Speaking of inventory to sell, I sold product at the post office today.  Crazy!  I was shipping some items and the clerk asked if I was a consultant and if I happened to have odour eliminator on hand.  I said, yes I do sell Norwex and actually yes I do have some at home!  So tomorrow, I will head back to the post office with her product to buy from me. 

I just recently created a facebook fan page:
Check it out and I would love for you to "like" it.  I'll be posting all of the Norwex customer and host specials, highlighting products, and just making some casual comments about my new business adventure. 

Here is a link to my Norwex business page:

Only time will tell what happens with this new adventure that I am on!!