Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring Break - Ankeny trip, part one

We started spring break early last week.  The kids were off Thursday for parent/teacher conferences and then Friday for a teacher workshop day.  This week is the real spring break!  That is 7 school days off for the kids.  They are loving it!!!

On Friday night, we made a trip back to Ankeny to visit friends.  Matt was heading back for a poker night and the kids & I tagged along.  We decided to invite some friends to the hotel to swim for a couple of hours.  Judi and her girls came over and Maxwell had his friend Ben join us.  It was so fun!!!  Best part is that Judi and I were able to sit on lounge chairs and talk the whole time.  We did not enter the pool once.  :)

Saturday morning, the kids and I went back for more swimming.  They talked me into joining them this time.  But I didn't get too wet.  

After we checked out, we went for lunch and then off to our friends' house the Auderer's.  Matt and the kids stayed there while I had my first Norwex party.  Then I went over and we hung out for a few hours, ate dinner, and then came home.  

We had a great time and it was so great to see friends during our visit!!

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