Monday, March 10, 2014

More birthday celebrations, working on the drive-way, and catching up...

My Dad visited a couple of weekends ago.  We were able to celebrate both kids' birthdays with him.  He did such a great job picking out gifts for the kids - they could barely wait for Matt to get home from work to open them. 

Matt & Dad spent most of the weekend installing our new water softener.  We are so thankful to have his help with this project - as it was a wet and messy project.  But they got it installed and my dishes are thankful. 

We have had a drive-way of ice and snow since the day we moved in. (This was the day we bought the house and many inches of snow have fallen since it was taken.)

It has been a nightmare and with a little warm weather, some ice melt, and LOTS of manual labor we were able to clear the drive-way this weekend.  Maxwell helped for hours and even twice in the same day.  He kept telling us that he could feel his muscles getting bigger.  That kid makes me laugh! 

Almost there...The ice by the 3rd stall is a couple of inches thick.  We are waiting for mother nature to take care of that area since we don't use it much right now. 

It was so nice this past weekend that my husband even broke out the charcoal grill to make our family favorite grilled chicken!  Yum! 

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