Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Break - Fun in Cedar Falls, part two

After our whirlwind trip to Ankeny, I wanted to spend a little more learning about fun things to do locally. Judi told me about a science center type place that her girls like to visit when they come to stay with her sister.  After a lunch date with Matt, we were off to check it out.

Little did I realize that the Grout Museum district and the 4 museums included are not physically located together.  Had I looked a little closer this would have been very obvious but in the end it turned out wonderful.  Our first stop, unintentionally, was the Iowa Veterans Museum.  I wasn't sure how much the kids would enjoy this but in the end we all learned a lot and had a wonderful time.  Maxwell took part of a 4H exhibit and made himself a fruit kabab.

The kids loved all of the hands on exhibits as we learned about Iowa's role in US wars.  Maxwell was particularly interested in a display that summarized World War II.  He is taking after both Matt & I and our interest in that particular war.

After we finished the war museum, we made our way over the Imaginarium (i.e. science center) - our original destination.  We ALL had a great time checking out the exhibits.  It was fun to see the kids being so hands on and engaged.  We loved the science center in Des Moines and while this was a lot smaller, it is all new to us.  I asked the kids a few times if they wanted a membership and they both said yes repeatedly.   An added bonus is that they were offering a spring break special so I took advantage and bought a family membership.  I can't wait to check out all the special events, camps, and this is just another step to us becoming integrated into our new community.

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