Monday, March 24, 2014


We are slowly getting our house organized and feeling more like a home.  Matt spent the majority of the weekend organizing our back storage room.  I cannot believe the amount of "stuff" we have accumulated over the years.  After much decision and a few tears, it is my goal for the remainder of the year to purge and downsize.  This task is completely overwhelming to me but I know that if I take it a little at a time it can be done!

One of the first steps of our purging and downsizing is to go through our toys and games.  We spoke to the kids and talked about the importance of donating our "stuff" to families that are less fortunate so as more kids can enjoy them.  After much discussion with Kaylee, she has decided she wants to donate her play kitchen and all of the items that go along with it.  I am so proud of her and cannot wait to give one of our favorite playsets to another family to enjoy.

The second step is to organize all of our games and puzzles.  We had partially finished space under our stairs and decided that this is a perfect place for storage.  Matt put up shelves and as well lights and rolled out some extra carpet.  Kaylee helped me unpack a few more boxes and put all of the games/puzzles on the shelves.  I think that "Harry Potter's room" looks great!

One thing that won't be downsized is our (mostly Matt's) collection of CD's.  Those are alphabetically organized along the back wall - with room to grow!!  :)

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