Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I've been using and loving these products for years...so I finally took the plunge and became a consultant.   Technically, I started in February but this is my first chance to actually write about it.  February was an offer I couldn't resist.  No start up costs - I only had to pay shipping and handling! 

My wonderful leader, Jen, did a facebook launch party for my new business.  It was such a huge success.  I have to say that I have the best and most supportive friends in the whole world!  I cannot believe all of the orders and the free product that I earned.  I was even able to book a party for March with a friend in Ankeny.  I've got all sorts of new products to try and even more to show off at parties, give away for prizes and inventory to sell.  Speaking of inventory to sell, I sold product at the post office today.  Crazy!  I was shipping some items and the clerk asked if I was a consultant and if I happened to have odour eliminator on hand.  I said, yes I do sell Norwex and actually yes I do have some at home!  So tomorrow, I will head back to the post office with her product to buy from me. 

I just recently created a facebook fan page:  https://www.facebook.com/saramcsweeneynorwex/
Check it out and I would love for you to "like" it.  I'll be posting all of the Norwex customer and host specials, highlighting products, and just making some casual comments about my new business adventure. 

Here is a link to my Norwex business page:  http://www.saramcsweeney.norwex.biz

Only time will tell what happens with this new adventure that I am on!!

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